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IRCMS Seminars

[July 5] 82nd IRCMS Seminar

July 4 2022

We would like to inform you that the 81st IRCMS seminar has been scheduled as below.
* This IRCMS seminar is open to everyone.

Time and Date : June 5th, (Wed) 15:00 -16:00
Venue         : Zoom online
                          Meeting ID: 895 6065 9117
                     Passcode: Ircms074

Speaker     :  Dr. Yusuke Shimakawa
Affiliation    :  Permanent researcher
                          Unité d'Épidémiologie des Maladies Émergentes, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France

 Title                :  Development of a tool to meet local public health needs in resource-limited countries:
                          a rapid diagnostic test to identify high-risk women for hepatitis B mother-to-child transmission


To achieve the global elimination of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, it is mandatory to scale up testing and treatment services in resource-limited countries. However, the clinical evaluation of treatment eligibility after confirming HBV infection, particularly quantification of HBV DNA using real-time PCR, remains hardly available and affordable in these countries. An inexpensive rapid test may facilitate access to hepatitis care, but its results may not be as accurate as PCR. We, therefore, conducted a questionnaire survey for healthcare workers in sub-Saharan Africa to identify acceptable trade-offs between the test performance (sensitivity and specificity), cost, and time-to-result through a discrete choice experiment (DCE). We also developed an equipment-free immunochromatographic rapid test to detect hepatitis B core-related antigen (HBcrAg-RDT) and evaluated its performance to diagnose clinically important HBV DNA thresholds and select patients for antiviral therapy in African patients.

Flyer (Click for a larger image):

FIX 3. Flyer_82nd IRCMS Seminar.jpg