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IRCMS Seminars

[Oct 29]5th IRCMS & IROAST Joint Seminar

October 11 2019

1. Time and date:
13:30-16:45 October 29 (Tue), 2019,

2. Venue: Kurokami South Campus, Meeting Room B, 2F, Faculty of Engineering Bldg. 1

3. Program

Part1 Progress Reports by IRCMS-IROAST Collaborative Groups
  Part2 Discussion about feasibility of another collaborative research, future plans, etc.

Group 1: MicroCT-based quantification of fibrosis and stiffness of tumor microenvironment
      ◆Assoc. Prof. Takatsugu Ishimoto from IRCMS
      ◆Assoc. Prof. Toshifumi Mukunoki from FAST
      ◆Prof. Jun Otani from IROAST/FAST

Group 2: Quantitative bioimage analysis to elucidate dynamics of stem cells in living animals
      ◆Assoc. Prof. Hidenobu Mizuno from IRCMS
      ◆Assoc. Prof. Takumi Higaki from IROAST

Group 3: Bioinformatics analysis of single cell transcriptome and proteome data
      ◆Prof. Hitoshi Takizawa from IRCMS
      ◆Prof. Yorifumi Satou from IRCMS

4. Organizers: Prof. Jun Otani, Vice Director, IROAST/ Professor, FAST
   Prof. Hitoshi Takizawa, Vice Director, IRCMS

5. Remarks: The seminar will be held in English.
    Free drink and snacks will be provided.

6.【Seminar Abstract】
This seminar aims the enhancement of research activity on Bio Engineering. In this seminar, we have three presentations from each organization and then, at the end of the seminar, we have so called "discussion session" in which the purpose is to discuss the next step of the collaboration between medicine (including pharmacy) and engineering (including science) at Kumamoto University. To do so, we have total of 4 short presentations from engineering and science faculties about the seeds on bioengineering study.
Finally, we hope that the research on bioengineering with medical researchers can be continued and new research group on this topic start after this seminar.
