IRCMS International Research Center for Medical Sciences


Victor Appay

Victor Appay
Victor Appay
Eng., Ph.D.
Visiting Professor


Career History & Research Interests

Victor Appay obtained his PhD in Immunology under the supervision of Prof Sarah Rowland-Jones and Andrew McMichael at the Oxford University (England) in 2002. He is now a research director at the INSERM (Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale), and heads the “Pathogenesis of chronic infections and Immune aging” team within the “Immunity and Infectious Diseases Research Center” of the Pierre et Marie Curie University at the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris (France) since 2005.
The study of cellular immunity has been his central research theme over the last 18 years. His work has primarily focused on the characterization of human CD8+ T-cells in various infections, particularly HIV-1 infection. His work has yielded pioneer observations in paralleling HIV infection and immunosenescence. Nowadays, he concentrates increasing efforts on the study of immune aging, to provide advanced understanding in the emerging field of immunogerontology.

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