June 22 2023
IRCMS, the center of excellence for world-class research in stem cell, development, aging and cancer, launched the Fellowship Program in 2016. The aim of this program is to provide financial support to graduate students with outstanding academic qualifications and strong motivation to conduct cutting-edge biomedical research through the IRCMS Fellowship under the supervision of host PIs. The successfully selected students are expected to pursue their degrees and graduate studies at the Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kumamoto University, who will also obtain research opportunities at the IRCMS.
The IRCMS Fellowship is open to students of all nationalities, with sufficient English ability and communication skills. Application is now open for the fellowship for 2023 fall enrollment. For more details about the IRCMS Fellowship, please refer to this page.
(リンク先: https://ircms.kumamoto-u.ac.jp/fellowship/ )
We are looking forward to receiving world-wide entries.