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IRCMS Seminars

IRCMS Mini Symposium

September 21 2017

IRCMS had a mini symposium titled "Cell Fate in Development" as below. We had a very large number of participants , for which we would like to express our gratitude.

Date:    September 21, 2017 (Thu)
Time:   14:00 - 17:50
Venue:  1F Conference Room, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics (IMEG)  

Session1 (Chair: Guojun Sheng, IRCMS)

14:00-14:35         Tsvee Lapidot (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel)

                             Metabolic regulation of bone and blood forming stem cells:The role of ROS, mitochondria transfer
                             and nitric oxide

14:35-15:10         Fumio Matsuzaki (RIKEN CDB, Japan)

                            Dynamic heterogeneity of neural stem cells in brain development

15:10-15:45        Shosei Yoshida (NIBB, Japan)

                            Population dynamics of sperm stem cells: cell fate decision in an open niche

15:45-16:00         Coffee Break

Session 2 (Chair: Hitoshi Niwa, IMEG)

16:00-16:35        Tatsuo Shibata (RIKEN QBiC, Japan)

                            Inference of gene regulatory functions toward a dynamical understanding of the maintenance of

16:35-17:10        Toshihiko Fujimori (NIBB, Japan)

                            Specification and plasticity of cells during early mouse development

17:10-17:45        Kohei Homma (Keio University School of Medicine, Japan)

                            Bicistronic 2A-peptide-based co-expression reporter knock-in strategy for hiPSC: Application to the
                            labeling of specific cell lineages and gene expression monitoring

*This mini-symposium will be held in English.
