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*D5 Medical & Life Science Seminar*

May 31 2017

We would like to inform you that the "D5 Medical & Life Science Seminar AY 2017 D5 「International Biomedical Research Seminars」"

has been scheduled as below. We would be pleased to see many of you participating in the seminar.

Date:   May 31, 2017 (Wed)      Time:  17:30 - 18:30

Venue:  IRCMS 1F Meeting Lounge  

Speaker: Goro SASHIDA M.D., Ph.D.   

Professor, IRCMS, Japan


"Epigenetic dysregulation in leukemia"

~Two faces of the polycomb-group gene EZH2 in  hematological malignancies ~

Polycomb repressive complex (PRC) is a critical regulator of normal tissue homeostasis as well as tumorigenesis. EZH2, an enzymatic subunit of PRC2, is a histone H3K27 methyltransferase that functions in the regulation of gene silencing.  EZH2 overexpression was first identified in prostate and breast cancers, and is associated with poor clinical outcome.  Subsequently, gain- and loss-of-function mutations of EZH2 have been identified in various tumors, including hematological malignancies, implicating EZH2 as either an oncogene or a tumor suppressor gene, depending on the cancer type.  However, because EZH2 dysregulation is functionally integrated with multiple other epigenetic events in a context-dependent manner, the precise manner in which EZH2 dysregulation impacts the pathogenesis of hematological malignancies remains to be clarified.  I will talk recent findings in pathogenic role of EZH2 in hematological malignancies, which may provide insights into the treatment of with cancers with EZH2 dysregulation and the development of novel therapies targeting epigenetic regulators.