
Sheng laboratory

Our lab (Laboratory of Developmental Morphogenesis, based in IRCMS, Kumamoto University, Japan) is recruiting researchers at the postdoc and pre-doctoral student levels.

For our research interest and publication output, please see the link ( or (

We have ongoing projects on avian cell reprogramming, avian extraembryonic tissue development, epithelial-mesenchymal transition and using the avian early embryo as the model for assessing developmental potentials of human pluripotent cells.

Undergraduate training in biology is required for pre-doctoral applicants (as an incoming master or doctoral student) and publications in a developmental biology- or stem cell biology-related field are preferred for postdoctoral applicants.

IRCMS (standing for International Research Center for Medical Sciences) is a dynamic, international, and English-language based research organization in Kumamoto University, Japan. Japanese language ability is not required in the work environment. Close interactions and collaboration with other research groups in IRCMS are strongly encouraged. For research interest of other PIs at IRCMS, please check (

For informal inquiry, please email: Guojun Sheng (


Sheng研究室 [お知らせ]

熊本大学IRCMS(International Research Center for Medical Sciences)発生形態学研究室では、ポスドクおよび博士課程レベルの学生を募集しています。

当研究室の研究内容と研究実績については、以下のリンクをご覧ください。 ( (


鳥類細胞のリプログラミング(avian cell reprogramming)、

鳥類の胚体外組織の発生(avian extraembryonic tissue development)、

上皮間葉転換(epithelial-mesenchymal transition)、

鳥類の初期胚をモデルとしたヒト多能性細胞の発生可能への評価(using the avian early embryo as the model for assessing developmental potentials of human pluripotent cells)



IRCMSは活気あふれる国際的な熊本大学の研究組織です。英語を公用語としており、職場では日本語能力は必須ではありません。また、IRCMSでは他の研究グループとの密な交流と共同研究が強く推奨されています。IRCMS所属PIの研究内容については、以下のURLをご覧ください。 (

お問い合わせは下記までメールにてご連絡ください。 連絡先:Guojun Sheng (