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【Publications】Hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells integrate microbial signals to promote post-inflammation gut tissue repair

October 27 2022

Lab: Hitoshi Takizawa
Paper information

Hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells integrate microbial signals to promote post-inflammation gut tissue repair

Maiko Sezaki, Yoshikazu Hayashi, Gaku Nakato, Yuxin Wang, Sayuri Nakata, Subinoy Biswas, Tatsuya Morishima, Md Fakruddin, Jieun Moon, Soyeon Ahn, Pilhan Kim, Yuji Miyamoto, Hideo Baba, Shinji Fukuda, Hitoshi Takizawa

The EMBO Journal (2022)e110712  doi:10.15252/embj.2022110712  URL: https://doi.org/10.15252/embj.2022110712


Bone  marrow  (BM)-resident  hematopoietic  stem  and  progenitorcells  (HSPCs)  are  often  activated  following  bacterial  insults  toreplenish the host hemato-immune system, but how they integratethe associated tissue damage signals to initiate distal tissue repairis  largely  unknown.  Here,  we  show  that  acute  gut  inflammationexpands HSPCs in the BM and directs them to inflamed mesentericlymph  nodes  through  GM-CSFR  activation  for  further  expansionand  potential  differentiation  into  Ly6C+/G+myeloid  cells  special-ized in gut tissue repair. We identified this process to be mediatedbyBacteroides, a commensal gram-negative bacteria that activatesinnate  immune  signaling.  These  findings  establish  cross-organcommunication   between   the   BM   and   distant   inflamed   sites,whereby a certain subset of multipotent progenitors is specified torespond  to  imminent  hematopoietic  demands  and  to  alleviateinflammatory symptoms.

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