March 18 2025
We would like to inform you that the 122nd IRCMS seminar has been scheduled as below.
* This IRCMS seminar is open to everyone.
Date : April 14, 2025 (Monday)
Time : 16:00-17:00
ZOOM : Meeting ID: 998 3434 4273
Passcode: Sem14Apr
Speaker : Dr. Raj Ladher (National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore, India)
Title : Force Patterning in Organisation and Ordering Developing Epithelia
Morphogenetic information arises from genetically encoded cellular properties and emergent cellular behaviours. The spatio-temporal implementation of this information is critical to for robust, reproducible tissue shapes that ensure the correct physiological functioning of organs. We investigated this principle using the mouse auditory epithelium, the organ of Corti (OC). The mechanosensory hair cells of the auditory epithelium of vertebrates are both spatially ordered so that they are embedded in a mosiac of supporting cells and orientationally ordered so that they are all planar polarised and aligned to each other. They do this in a tissue that is undergoing considerable rearrangements. How does development guide this process so that the organisation of the sensory epithelium is robust and reproducible? I will describe our results in the BP of the chick and the mouse organ of Corti that point to junctional mechanics between cells as being important in generating this organisation.
2-3 major papers:
1. Prakash A, Raman S, Kaushik R, et al (2025) Compartment coupling integrates patterning and morphogenetic information during development. bioRxiv 2024.09.16.613243.
2. Cohen R, Sprinzak D (2021) Mechanical forces shaping the development of the inner ear. Biophys J 120:4142-4148.
3. Prakash A, Weninger J, Singh N, et al (2023) Junctional Force Patterning drives both Positional and Orientational Order in Auditory Epithelia.
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