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  • Dr. Guojun Sheng from IRCMS visited Dr. Sittipon Intarapat (Department of Anatomy, Mahidol Universit...
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Dr. Guojun Sheng from IRCMS visited Dr. Sittipon Intarapat (Department of Anatomy, Mahidol University) on April 19th, 2024

April 24 2024

On April 19, 2024, Dr. Guojun Sheng visited Dr. Sittipon Intarapat at the Department of Anatomy, Mahidol University, Thailand. They discussed the potential use of developmental and stem cell biology technologies for avian biodiversity conservation. Birds are a highly successful group of vertebrate animals, with approximately 11,000 living species, but many of them have become endangered due to human activities in recent centuries. Notable examples include the red junglefowl, the wild ancestor of domestic chickens, and the green peafowl, a cultural symbol in many Asian countries.

Dr. Sheng, Dr. Intarapat, and Dr. Oleg Gusev from Kazan Federal University were jointly supported by Japan Science and Technology Agency's e-ASIA program to explore the possibility of conserving green peafowl using stem cell technologies. Although the research project under the e-ASIA framework has concluded, the collaboration between Kumamoto University and Mahidol University continues under the inter-university academic exchange agreement.

Please refer to the following URL for the details.

IMG_3618.jpgDr. Sheng (left), Dr. Intarapat (center) and Dr. Gusev(right) in the old Anatomy building at Mahidol University.


Dr. Sheng, Dr. Intarapat and Mr. Nagai kindly received by Mr. Bond (a local business person) who manages a peacock farm near Bangkok

IMG_3663-1.jpgのサムネイル画像のサムネイル画像Dr. Intarapat and Mr. Nagai (a member of Dr. Sheng's lab) in
front of the new Anatomy building.