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[Apr. 18] 109th IRCMS Seminar

April 8 2024

We would like to inform you that the 109th IRCMS seminar has been scheduled as below.
* This IRCMS seminar is open to everyone.

Date      : April 18, 2024 (Thursday)

Time      : 13:30-14:30

ZOOM : Meeting ID:827 3068 0771
              Passcode: seminar418

Speaker : Dr. Rieko Asai (IRCMS)

Title        : Initiation of laterality in a bilateral global cell movement

Abstract :

My research vision is to understand the relationships between body patterning and global cell movements. Various human disorders (e.g. heterotaxy and cyclopia) demonstrate the paramount significance of laterality in proper development. In vertebrates, midline morphogenesis and a global cell movement are striking characteristics of the onset of bilaterality, and then laterality is assigned into the left-right (LR) compartmentalized embryonic field by asymmetric gene regulation of the laterality signals. In amniotes, the primitive streak (PS) is the earliest midline structure and serves as an organizing center of gastrulation. During PS development, a bilateral counter-rotating cell flow, termed 'polonaise movements' occurs along the midline axis. Using chick PS as a model system, my recent study revealed that (i) midline morphogenesis and the global cell movement are coincident, but not co-dependent, during early amniote gastrulation (Asai et al., 2023, eLife). Further, our experimental system and biophysical analyses identified LR-asymmetric features in the polonaise movements (Asai and Sinha et al., preparing for submission). These results suggest that laterality is patterned earlier than the time when asymmetric gene expression of the laterality signals becomes remarkable at the node. In the seminar, I would like to discuss potential mechanisms underlying laterality patterning in global cell movements.


Flyer: (Click to enlarge)

Flyer_109th IRCMS Seminar .jpg