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[Nov. 22] 98th IRCMS Seminar

November 8 2023

We would like to inform you that the 98th IRCMS seminar has been scheduled as below.
* This IRCMS seminar is open to everyone.

Date      : November 22, 2023 (Wednesday)

Time      : 16:00-17:00

ZOOM : Meeting ID: 845 2917 0099
              Passcode: ircmsSem11

Speaker : Dr. Fumiko Toyoshima (Kyoto University)

Title        :  Maternal Organ Remodeling and Fetal Growth

Abstract :

Pregnancy induces tissue remodeling in various maternal organs, including uterus, mammary gland, brain, liver, haematopoietic system, and skin. However, the underlying mechanisms and the relevance to fetal growth remain elusive. Our group focuses on the remodeling of skin and liver during pregnancy. During pregnancy, the abdominal skin expands rapidly to accommodate fetal growth. We have shown that interfollicular epidermal stem cells (IFESCs) shape basal epidermal proliferating clusters (EPCs) in expanding abdominal epidermis in mice. EPCs consist of IFESC-derived Tbx3-basal cells (Tbx3-BCs) and their neighboring cells where ADAM8-ERK signaling is activated. Tbx3-BCs emerge during pregnancy in a vasculature-dependent manner via dermal secretory signals, followed by differentiation after parturition when vasculature regression occurs. These results explain how epidermis adjusts its size in orchestration with dermal constituents in dynamic skin. In this seminar, I will also introduce our recent findings on the spatiotemporal liver remodeling during pregnancy and its critical role in maternal glucose homeostasis.

1.Ichijo, R., Kobayashi, H., Yoneda, S., Iizuka, Y., Kubo, H., Matsumura, S., Kitano, S., Miyachi, H., Honda, T., and Toyoshima, F. Tbx3-dependent amplifying stem cell progeny drives interfollicular epidermal expansion during pregnancy and regeneration. Nat. Commun. 8, 508, 2017.
2.Ichijo, R., Kabata, M., Kidoya, H., Muramatsu, F., Ishibashi, R., Abe, K., Tsutsui, K., Kubo, H., Iizuka, Y., Kitano, S., Miyachi, H., Fujiwara, H., Sada, A., Yamamoto, T., Toyoshima, F. Vasculature-driven stem cell population coordinate tissue scaling in dynamic organs. Sci. Adv. 7; eabd2575, 2021.
3.Ichijo R, Maki K, Kabata M, Murata T, Nagasaka A, Ishihara S, Haga H, Honda T, Adachi T, Yamamoto T, Toyoshima F. Vasculature atrophy causes a stiffened microenvironment that augments epidermal stem cell differentiation in aged skin. Nat. Aging 2; 592, 2022

Flyer: (Click to enlarge)

Flyer_98th IRCMS Seminar .jpg