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[Apr. 24] 92nd IRCMS Seminar

April 10 2023

We would like to inform you that the 92nd IRCMS seminar has been scheduled as below.
* This IRCMS seminar is open to everyone.

Date      : April 24, 2023 (Monday)

Venue   : Onsite & Online
                IRCMS Lounge & Zoom

Time      : 16:00-17:00

Speaker : Dr. Jian-Dong Huang
                 The University of Hong Kong

Title        : Engineering Bacteria to Form Biological Structures and to Suppress Cancer Cell Metastasis

Abstract :

Synthetic Biology is the design and construction of new biological parts, devices, and systems, and the re-design of existing, natural biological systems for useful purposes. In this presentation, Prof. Huang will discuss his work on designing and engineering bacteria to reveal the principle underlying biological pattern formation and to target tumours. (1) The ability of living organisms to form patterns has been traditionally studied by genetics.  We attempt to generate unique patterns by rewiring the genetic circuitry controlling cell motility and cell-cell interactions.  Moreover, we build theoretical models that satisfactorily fit our current experimental data, and also predicts some parameters which may significantly affect the pattern formation.  The study of this self-organized spatial distribution of cells may help us to probe the principles underlying the formation of natural biological patterns, and to prepare for future engineering of biological structures. (2) Using a Salmonella typhimurium strain engineered by Huang lab, we have found a potent suppressive effect of Salmonella on cancer metastasis, regardless of cancer types and genetic background, by evoking strong anti-metastatic immune response. Further study showed that suppression of cancer metastasis by attenuated Salmonella only requires the innate immune response. In this presentation, the factors and cells necessary for the Salmonella provoked suppression of cancer metastasis will be discussed.



  1. Chenli Liu, Xiongfei Fu, Lizhong Liu, Xiaojing Ren, Carlos K.L. Chau, Sihong Li, Lu Xiang, Hualing Zeng, Guanhua Chen, Lei-Han Tang, Peter Lenz, Xiaodong Cui, Wei Huang, Terence Hwa, Jian-Dong Huang (2011) "Sequential establishment of stripe patterns in an expanding cell population", Science V334(6053), P238-241.
    DOI: 10.1126/science.1209042
  2. Agnese I. Curatolo, Nan Zhou, Yongfeng Zhao, Chenli Liu, Adrian Daerr, Julien Tailleur and Jian-Dong Huang (2020) "Cooperative pattern formation in multi-species bacterial colonies", Nature Physics (article) V16, PP 1152-1157  
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41567-020-0964-z,
  3. Bin Yu, Mei Yang, Lei Shi, Yandan Yao, Qinqin Jiang, Xuefei Li, Lei-Han Tang, Bo-Jian Zheng, Kwok-yung Yuen, David K. Smith, Erwei Song, Jian-Dong Huang (2012) "Explicit hypoxia targeting with tumor suppression by creating an "obligate" anaerobic Salmonella Typhimurium strain", Scientific Reports V2:436
    DOI: 10.1038/srep00436
  4. Qiubin Lin, Li Rong, Xian Jia, Renhao Li, Bin Yu, Jingchu Hu, Xiao Luo, Badea Smaranda-ruxandra, Chen Xu, Guofeng Fu, Kejiong Lai, Ming-chun Lee, Baozhong Zhang, Huarui Gong, Nan Zhou, Xiao Lei Chen, Shu-hai Lin, Guo Fu, Jian-Dong Huang, (2021) "Salmonella potently inhibits cancer metastasis by activating IFN-γ-dependent NK cell", Nature Communications V12:2537
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-22755-3

Flyer: (Click to enlarge)

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