IRCMS International Research Center for Medical Sciences

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[Apr. 22] IRCMS lecture series "SCIENCE and ME": 15th Talk

March 25 2022

Notice: The lecture scheduled for April 22 is cancelled due to a medical emergency for the speaker.
The schedule will be adjusted again, and notification will be made.
Thank you for your understanding.

IRCMS has started a new lecture series on motivation, obstacles and joy of pursuing a research career with advice to young researchers who are considering a similar career path.

< 15th Talk >

Date      : April 22, 2022 (Friday)

Time      : 16:00 - 17:00
              * Zoom online seminar
               Please check the flyer below for the Zoom information.

Speaker : Henry Gee, PhD
                 Senior Editor, Nature

Title        : Meet a Nature editor: All you wanted to know but were afraid to ask

Flyer: (Click for a larger image)
