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  • [ July 21 ] Joint Invited Speaker Seminar Series for Future Medicine
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[ July 21 ] Joint Invited Speaker Seminar Series for Future Medicine

July 9 2021

The "Joint Invited Speaker Seminar Series for Future Medicine" will be co-hosted by Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) GSMSE and International Research Center for Medical Sciences (IRCMS). It will run from July 2021 to Novermber  2021, with lectures given by scientists who are affiliated with IRCMS or in collaboration with researchers at IRCMS. The lectures will be given three times a month, in English, and by leading scientists in the relevant research field.

Date      :  July 21st (Wednesday)

Time      : 10:00 -
              *  Zoom online seminar

We welcome participants from all over the world.

If you are interested, please send an email to ircms@jimu.kumamoto-u.ac.jp

Speaker  : Michelle Monje Deisseroth, MD, PhD

                  Stanford University

Title: Neuron-glial interactions in health and desease: from cognition to cancer

Flyer: (Click for a larger image)

KAIST-KU Joint Invited Seminar Series for Future Medicine - Poster.jpg